Improving aesthetic appearance has become an indisputable reality in oral and dental treatments. An aesthetic smile and mouth structure are important for the psychological health and self-confidence. So, Dentistry has also provided effective solutions to this situation with advancing technology and methods.
The main purpose is also to ensure that the smile is aesthetically pleasing beside solving dental problems and to play a decisive role in the impact of social life.
The mouth, teeth and lip structure is the first in the preferred aesthetic operations. Enamelplasty also responds to different requests of the person. The requests are about longer or shorter teeth, more white color, more pink gingiva, dental arrangements. Enamelplasty can respond to all of them then you have a view what exactly you want.
Enamelplasty aims to make the person feel more comfortable by reaching the structure which is natural.
Thanks to enamelplasty, the process which is done is not understood from the outside allows to the person live in a more self-confident way in his or her social life and environment.
For example, the crowns or prostheses were clearly understood from the outside due to both color discrepancy and metal infrastructure. People had to do only in order to recover to get back their chewing health. Nowadays, it is possible to apply an aesthetic touch to this situation and to have a completely natural appearance also to restore chewing health. A black filler was applied to who need a filler. When someone opened his or her mouth, his or her fillings were visible to which is irritated. These are that dental braceses in Orthodontia treatment, transparent and strong crowns with zirconium, aesthetically laminated and neer applications, office type Laser Whitening methods for more white teeth allows to achieve the aesthetic view what you want.